Space Time Concepts GmbH
Firmensitz: Am Sommeracker 1, 95367 Trebgast, Deutschland
HRB: 7116, Amtsgericht: Bayreuth
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE307329707
Geschaeftsführerin: Laura Winterling
Telefon: + 49 170 761 6029
Social Media:
Instagram: @laura_winterling | @spacetimeconcepts
Copyrights: ESA, NASA and Roskosmos Images, Space Time Concepts GmbH
Special Thanks to:
The European Astronaut Centre, EAC, its staff and management who entrusted Space Time Concepts with this unique opportunity to give and share our space with hundreds of people every year.
To my dear friends, who let me be me and do not shy away from telling me their honest opinion about myself, my ideas and my way of handling life!
And, last, but most importantly, to my parents – entrepreneurs for all of their, and definitely my life. Teaching me what good customer service is about and what doing business really means.
Thank you all for your trust and belief in me, thank you for letting me live out my ideas and still sticking around – what a journey!